Saturday, June 25, 2011
Moving to Tumblr
Okay, I know not many read this but I am moving over to tumbler, So if you like my rants I am now moving over to tumblr here is the link for me
Friday, June 24, 2011
Rant: Canadain Postal Strike
To all the postal workers: Thanks a pant load, you know it's not bad enough that the Postal service sucks enough but now you have backed up mail for about a month or two now, Because you know that makes sense.
I understand that they do have a right to strike but in all honesty I am sort of rooting for the for them to be forced back to work, They are being paid to do a job and they aren't doing it so if they are given the choice between Getting fired and new people being hired or going back to work personally I would take the 2nd option because currently I don't have a Job so if I did have a job I would rather go back to work than lose my only source of income.
I also like how the NDP Leader Jack Layton is being a Huge Tool trying to stop this from happening, In all hoesty if it were a vote between NDP or Conservative I would go with Conservative at least I know they won't screw the government into something that looks a lot like Communism.
If you asked me where I stood in the Political scheme of things it would be Middle leaning Left. Meaning I am Nutral but I have Liberal Tenancys but I don't agree with the Liberal party. I feel that other Parties have there merits, I just wish there was one party that worked well for me, I have yet to find one though.
Anyways Back to the Stupidity, Why would you go on Strike so close to summer when you know that since the parliament was going to close for the summer and you would be forced back to work? Are you really that naive that you think that they will just give you what you want so that you will go back, Hell No. They would rather force you back to work than give you exactly what you want.
I really can't stand the stupidity of Some Unions, I have no problem with Unions, they do alot of good some times. But for the most part they just want more money or something just because a few people complained about getting a bad deal, Which is often true but when the postal service strikes this close to summer you are asking for trouble.
In closing I hope you Postal Works have learned you're lesson soon because you are making me miss out on my mail (stuff that can't be e-mailed) and I don't like that, because I get stuff that is fairly important and if I miss a letter from my Bank telling me important information I will hold you responsible and make sure some one pays for the damages to my Lively hood.
Till Next time Cya in Cyberspace.....Hopefully with my Sail mail in Hand .....Bunch of Dumb asses.
I understand that they do have a right to strike but in all honesty I am sort of rooting for the for them to be forced back to work, They are being paid to do a job and they aren't doing it so if they are given the choice between Getting fired and new people being hired or going back to work personally I would take the 2nd option because currently I don't have a Job so if I did have a job I would rather go back to work than lose my only source of income.
I also like how the NDP Leader Jack Layton is being a Huge Tool trying to stop this from happening, In all hoesty if it were a vote between NDP or Conservative I would go with Conservative at least I know they won't screw the government into something that looks a lot like Communism.
If you asked me where I stood in the Political scheme of things it would be Middle leaning Left. Meaning I am Nutral but I have Liberal Tenancys but I don't agree with the Liberal party. I feel that other Parties have there merits, I just wish there was one party that worked well for me, I have yet to find one though.
Anyways Back to the Stupidity, Why would you go on Strike so close to summer when you know that since the parliament was going to close for the summer and you would be forced back to work? Are you really that naive that you think that they will just give you what you want so that you will go back, Hell No. They would rather force you back to work than give you exactly what you want.
I really can't stand the stupidity of Some Unions, I have no problem with Unions, they do alot of good some times. But for the most part they just want more money or something just because a few people complained about getting a bad deal, Which is often true but when the postal service strikes this close to summer you are asking for trouble.
In closing I hope you Postal Works have learned you're lesson soon because you are making me miss out on my mail (stuff that can't be e-mailed) and I don't like that, because I get stuff that is fairly important and if I miss a letter from my Bank telling me important information I will hold you responsible and make sure some one pays for the damages to my Lively hood.
Till Next time Cya in Cyberspace.....Hopefully with my Sail mail in Hand .....Bunch of Dumb asses.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Getting off on a Rant : 3D, This Rant is in 3D....Not.
Okay, I have been wanting to get this out of my system for about a little over a year now. I can assume that I will get a lot of negative flack for this from people that don't quite grasp my point, But I accept that I am at home with that feeling. Partly because it is nothing new to me, I tend to attract the weird people that like to argue there point and never admit they are wrong.
Any ways 3D, what can I say about 3D that hasn't already been said? Not a lot but I can give my own perspective on said Fad. For starters, I am one of the vast minority that likes Story over the actual Visual effects. I prefer a well written story that the visuals can back up, but about 95% of all 3D movies are horribly written, If you gave me some time and a team of my friends who are writers we could probably write a better movie that the computer Generated stuff would go well with. Top of my List for this Avatar, I know a lot of you have pointed out the similarity to other movies/Stories and you tell me "O All movies are ripped off of others stories" And that is true, I am not gong to lie and say it's not true. Having said that thought you also have to consider that Avatar dose it 10 Times worse than any other movie, So when I was watching it in 2D (thank god for that mercy) I honestly couldn't fathom seeing it in 3D.
My dad Pointed this out to me, Every few decades 3D comes back. And I agree it is true 3D is the movie Equivalent of Herpes it just keeps coming back, there is a brief remision and it seems like it's finally gone away but then BAM Back with a vengeance, And there is no current relief in sight of this bull shit.
James Cameron seems to be at the top of this one, By not only making Avatar in 3D, but also saying for the 100th Anniversry of the Titanic Sinking next Year that they will be Re-releasing Titanic in 3D.....Let that sink in for a moment, Do we really need that?
James Cameron isn't the only one bastardizing is old flicks by re-releasing them in 3D George Lucas is joining in the party by Re-releasing all of the Star Wars Movies in 3D, Great so I have the chance of seeing the Shitty Prequel Trilogy in 3D as well as the shitty edited version of 4 - 6 thanks George, you really are doing us a solid on that one.
I am left sitting here wondering "When will this Die and let me enjoy movies again?" Because I don't enjoy 3D movies, Most of the time the Writing and Acting is so bad they try to mask it over with 3D to make it "Better" and also make a bigger profit off of it because its an extra 3 Dollars for the "right to have 3D" Well what about us who don't like 3D eh? we're right screwed because we have to look for a theater that has the movie in 2D which is harder than you would think.
Well I have had a good rant and now it's time for me to go back into the dark areas of the Internet where I can find something new that pisses me off.
Till Next Time Cya in cyber space.
PS: Maybe I should do this every Tuesday, This is the 2nd time I have made A Rant in the course of 2 weeks.
Any ways 3D, what can I say about 3D that hasn't already been said? Not a lot but I can give my own perspective on said Fad. For starters, I am one of the vast minority that likes Story over the actual Visual effects. I prefer a well written story that the visuals can back up, but about 95% of all 3D movies are horribly written, If you gave me some time and a team of my friends who are writers we could probably write a better movie that the computer Generated stuff would go well with. Top of my List for this Avatar, I know a lot of you have pointed out the similarity to other movies/Stories and you tell me "O All movies are ripped off of others stories" And that is true, I am not gong to lie and say it's not true. Having said that thought you also have to consider that Avatar dose it 10 Times worse than any other movie, So when I was watching it in 2D (thank god for that mercy) I honestly couldn't fathom seeing it in 3D.
My dad Pointed this out to me, Every few decades 3D comes back. And I agree it is true 3D is the movie Equivalent of Herpes it just keeps coming back, there is a brief remision and it seems like it's finally gone away but then BAM Back with a vengeance, And there is no current relief in sight of this bull shit.
James Cameron seems to be at the top of this one, By not only making Avatar in 3D, but also saying for the 100th Anniversry of the Titanic Sinking next Year that they will be Re-releasing Titanic in 3D.....Let that sink in for a moment, Do we really need that?
James Cameron isn't the only one bastardizing is old flicks by re-releasing them in 3D George Lucas is joining in the party by Re-releasing all of the Star Wars Movies in 3D, Great so I have the chance of seeing the Shitty Prequel Trilogy in 3D as well as the shitty edited version of 4 - 6 thanks George, you really are doing us a solid on that one.
I am left sitting here wondering "When will this Die and let me enjoy movies again?" Because I don't enjoy 3D movies, Most of the time the Writing and Acting is so bad they try to mask it over with 3D to make it "Better" and also make a bigger profit off of it because its an extra 3 Dollars for the "right to have 3D" Well what about us who don't like 3D eh? we're right screwed because we have to look for a theater that has the movie in 2D which is harder than you would think.
Well I have had a good rant and now it's time for me to go back into the dark areas of the Internet where I can find something new that pisses me off.
Till Next Time Cya in cyber space.
PS: Maybe I should do this every Tuesday, This is the 2nd time I have made A Rant in the course of 2 weeks.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Rant:: Harold Camping and his Rapture BS
First off to Harold Camping, Fuck you. Fuck you and you’re backwards ass, bible thumping, rapture spewing bullshit. Now that I have that out of my system, I would like to say that Yes, I am a Catholic and yes I believe in God. But that dose not makes me like Harold Camping because unlike him I know more about the bible. For example Matthew 24:36 (“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”) but our old chum Harold can’t get passed the old testament. That line that Matthew 24:36 is talking about is more relevant than what the Old Testament says about the end of Days.
Now I usually like to give these Rapture People a good mocking but today, Well after reading about Harold Saying “ O I was 5 months Early” Which actually puts the Rapture/End of the world on my Birthday (Well at least it’s something new to look forward to.) Just because nothing happened on May the 21st , Now I am going to play this out for you in simple logic, By saying “This Will happen on this Date at this time” You effectively changed the outcome, anyone with a basic grasp of physics could tell you that. Putting aside the Physics for now, You are trying to say that you can predict Gods Plans....Not a wise move. I will go back again to Matthew 24:36 did it not say that only God would know? It’s not like God would all of a sudden go “Pssst There are clues in this book of the bible check it out and tell your friends” so clamming that you can predict this stuff is like trying to have the Toronto Maple Leafs actually win the Stanley cup, I am sure one day it Will happen but it won’t happen any time soon and even then only God will know when it will happen, You can’t predict something like the end of the world, so stop trying it.
He seems to like predicting the end of the world our Harold, He has now Predicted the Rapture 3 times. 1st time was that he said it would happen in 1994, what happened nothing reasons for this? Mathematical error and it was pushed off 17 years. Then around April 2011 this blew up again, Why? Because the Rapture was set for May 21st 2011 at 6pm Eastern time. Did it happen ? No but we did get a really good meme out of it which still gives me giggles each time I see a Rapture Bomb. Now a few days later he has said “O well I guess it wont happen till October 21st 2011” Really? This is the 3rd time if you’re wrong this time you may get you’re self into some serious shit, Maybe you should re-think telling everyone that the end of the world is coming. But I am guessing since you didn’t learn you’re lesson the 2nd time you won’t the 3rd time and you’ll keep saying that the Rapture is coming on Blank date untl the day you die. You will be the boy who cried wolf of Raptures......but the rapture will never come because you will continually tick of god for being pretentious tool.
Now I have said a little about this and I feel a lot better, I don’t think I have had my final say about our Friend Harold but I hope I have, Next time he pisses me off he may not be so lucky for it to be in text. I have a camera and I know how to rant in front of it.
Till next time Cya in cyber space.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Getting off on a Rant : Facebook : Fear of change and Pointless Updates
I am tried of this, I am tired of the people that fear the change of something that is meant to change and
evolve. It makes me want to scream on the top of my lungs of how stupid people can be, Case and point Face Book. Every time the change the lay out or something else the people start to freak out saying stuff like "OMG I hate the New layout. Why cant FB keep it the way it was like gawd" or " This lay out is sooo Gay" or even "I am going to leave if the don't change it back".
I Always find the last one the funniest out of all the different hate messages I see on face book because we know for a fact that they wont ever get rid of there preshous little face book account because they need to know what they friends are saying and they have to care for there stupid Virtual farm that they have been caring for all of a year. I am sorry but I can't stand this crap This is a free service that they get to use but they get so pissy about the fact the lay out has changes or the Way pictures are viewed. Like honestly People GET OVER IT. Things will always advanced and change, you never Complained when other things on websites changed you just want things your way because you have been spoiled by the internet or by your parents.
Yet you still join your pathetic little groups complaining about the new Layout or Etc. Get over your self you pretentious people things change learn this and move on.
Now onto you people who post the most useless stuff on your status. Stop. Stop now. I don't care about what you have to say about things that only effect you. I may not be clean of said sin but I don't update my Face book Profile for weeks at a time so me getting your annoying updates is not what I call fun.
Those of you who annoy me the most is young Parents. People who had kids to young and think they are special because the have a kid. Congratulations you have figured out how to get pregnant something we all learned in school from teachers. but the irony is half of them haven't even finished High school. Now you may be thinking "But what about those kids who were accidents" Well at least they didn't plan for it I know about 10 girls that purposly got pregnate because they wanted a kid, and were not that intelligent at all. They could barley take care of them selves yet the feel the need to have a kid then proceed to screw up that kids life by not being able to provide a proper life or Father. Then these people decided to tell every one of there friends on Facebook what there kid is doing assuming we give a crap. Let me be the first to say WE DON'T. We don't want to hear about how your Child is sick we don't want to know. How about you get of face book and I don't know TAKE CARE OF THE KID.
My favorite one has to be when one of my friends was talking about how her baby wouldn't stop crying an how she just wants him to sleep, and the slew of messages that saying how sad that is and giving crap advice (all most all of them were still in high school and didn't have kids) then less than 10 Minutes later she posted this " finallly he just fell asleep after crying for 10 minutes :) so happy that its finaly over. Hopefully he wakes up in a better mood" now let that sink in and realize that I am 21 and not very comfortable around Babies as of yet My response to this was as follows "Some times a Kid just needs a good cry" My god how hard is this? Stop posting usless stuff about your kids or anything else that no one cares about. you are wasting space on line
then there are the people that post Chain letters or little status games in there status. This is pointless no one cares leave us alone and realize just because you post something on face book doesn't mean that every one has to hear about how gullible your are in posting stuff you read on some one else who is even more gullible than you.
Now if you excuse me I have to go calm down before I burst a blood vessel from the Stupidity of others. Till Next time Cya in Cyber space.
evolve. It makes me want to scream on the top of my lungs of how stupid people can be, Case and point Face Book. Every time the change the lay out or something else the people start to freak out saying stuff like "OMG I hate the New layout. Why cant FB keep it the way it was like gawd" or " This lay out is sooo Gay" or even "I am going to leave if the don't change it back".
I Always find the last one the funniest out of all the different hate messages I see on face book because we know for a fact that they wont ever get rid of there preshous little face book account because they need to know what they friends are saying and they have to care for there stupid Virtual farm that they have been caring for all of a year. I am sorry but I can't stand this crap This is a free service that they get to use but they get so pissy about the fact the lay out has changes or the Way pictures are viewed. Like honestly People GET OVER IT. Things will always advanced and change, you never Complained when other things on websites changed you just want things your way because you have been spoiled by the internet or by your parents.
Yet you still join your pathetic little groups complaining about the new Layout or Etc. Get over your self you pretentious people things change learn this and move on.
Now onto you people who post the most useless stuff on your status. Stop. Stop now. I don't care about what you have to say about things that only effect you. I may not be clean of said sin but I don't update my Face book Profile for weeks at a time so me getting your annoying updates is not what I call fun.
Those of you who annoy me the most is young Parents. People who had kids to young and think they are special because the have a kid. Congratulations you have figured out how to get pregnant something we all learned in school from teachers. but the irony is half of them haven't even finished High school. Now you may be thinking "But what about those kids who were accidents" Well at least they didn't plan for it I know about 10 girls that purposly got pregnate because they wanted a kid, and were not that intelligent at all. They could barley take care of them selves yet the feel the need to have a kid then proceed to screw up that kids life by not being able to provide a proper life or Father. Then these people decided to tell every one of there friends on Facebook what there kid is doing assuming we give a crap. Let me be the first to say WE DON'T. We don't want to hear about how your Child is sick we don't want to know. How about you get of face book and I don't know TAKE CARE OF THE KID.
My favorite one has to be when one of my friends was talking about how her baby wouldn't stop crying an how she just wants him to sleep, and the slew of messages that saying how sad that is and giving crap advice (all most all of them were still in high school and didn't have kids) then less than 10 Minutes later she posted this " finallly he just fell asleep after crying for 10 minutes :) so happy that its finaly over. Hopefully he wakes up in a better mood" now let that sink in and realize that I am 21 and not very comfortable around Babies as of yet My response to this was as follows "Some times a Kid just needs a good cry" My god how hard is this? Stop posting usless stuff about your kids or anything else that no one cares about. you are wasting space on line
then there are the people that post Chain letters or little status games in there status. This is pointless no one cares leave us alone and realize just because you post something on face book doesn't mean that every one has to hear about how gullible your are in posting stuff you read on some one else who is even more gullible than you.
Now if you excuse me I have to go calm down before I burst a blood vessel from the Stupidity of others. Till Next time Cya in Cyber space.
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