First off to Harold Camping, Fuck you. Fuck you and you’re backwards ass, bible thumping, rapture spewing bullshit. Now that I have that out of my system, I would like to say that Yes, I am a Catholic and yes I believe in God. But that dose not makes me like Harold Camping because unlike him I know more about the bible. For example Matthew 24:36 (“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”) but our old chum Harold can’t get passed the old testament. That line that Matthew 24:36 is talking about is more relevant than what the Old Testament says about the end of Days.
Now I usually like to give these Rapture People a good mocking but today, Well after reading about Harold Saying “ O I was 5 months Early” Which actually puts the Rapture/End of the world on my Birthday (Well at least it’s something new to look forward to.) Just because nothing happened on May the 21st , Now I am going to play this out for you in simple logic, By saying “This Will happen on this Date at this time” You effectively changed the outcome, anyone with a basic grasp of physics could tell you that. Putting aside the Physics for now, You are trying to say that you can predict Gods Plans....Not a wise move. I will go back again to Matthew 24:36 did it not say that only God would know? It’s not like God would all of a sudden go “Pssst There are clues in this book of the bible check it out and tell your friends” so clamming that you can predict this stuff is like trying to have the Toronto Maple Leafs actually win the Stanley cup, I am sure one day it Will happen but it won’t happen any time soon and even then only God will know when it will happen, You can’t predict something like the end of the world, so stop trying it.
He seems to like predicting the end of the world our Harold, He has now Predicted the Rapture 3 times. 1st time was that he said it would happen in 1994, what happened nothing reasons for this? Mathematical error and it was pushed off 17 years. Then around April 2011 this blew up again, Why? Because the Rapture was set for May 21st 2011 at 6pm Eastern time. Did it happen ? No but we did get a really good meme out of it which still gives me giggles each time I see a Rapture Bomb. Now a few days later he has said “O well I guess it wont happen till October 21st 2011” Really? This is the 3rd time if you’re wrong this time you may get you’re self into some serious shit, Maybe you should re-think telling everyone that the end of the world is coming. But I am guessing since you didn’t learn you’re lesson the 2nd time you won’t the 3rd time and you’ll keep saying that the Rapture is coming on Blank date untl the day you die. You will be the boy who cried wolf of Raptures......but the rapture will never come because you will continually tick of god for being pretentious tool.
Now I have said a little about this and I feel a lot better, I don’t think I have had my final say about our Friend Harold but I hope I have, Next time he pisses me off he may not be so lucky for it to be in text. I have a camera and I know how to rant in front of it.
Till next time Cya in cyber space.
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